Tuesday, February 16, 2010



Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hebrews 11

In the context of the idea that God has a mission for us and His mission will lead us to His preferred and promised future. Think about these examples of faith and us today….

Hebrews 11:1- 2 Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. Through their faith, the people of old earned a good reputation.

Abel- Faith offers the best of all we give and do out of love and not obligation.

Enoch- Faith believes God exists and sincerely seeks Him

Noah- Faith requires us to act even when it may seem illogical or we don’t understand.

Abraham- Faith requires us to move out of our land into the unfamiliar even though we don’t know where we are going.

Abraham- Faith has patience to wait on God’s promises.

Abraham & Sarah- Faith believes God will keep His promises.

Abraham- Faith puts everything we ever wanted, hold dear, and/or loved on the altar.

Isaac- Faith knows God will always hold true to His promises long after we are gone.

Jacob- Faith continues the work even when tired and weary.

Joseph- Faith believes in God’s faithfulness and promises when faced with one’s own mortality.

Moses’ parents- Faith follows God instead of man.

Moses- Faith doesn’t take the easy way out or try to blend in.

Moses- Faith keeps its eyes on the promise.

People of Isreal (Red Sea)- Faith believes that God can and always delivers even in the most unconventional ways.

People of Isreal (Jericho)- Faith allows God to use us in sometimes the most unconventional ways to accomplish His purpose.

Rahab- Faith will save those who are hospitable and open to Him no matter who they may be.

Rahab- Faith allows God to use whomever (the unsaved or shall I say unsavory) He wants to accomplish His plans.

What would happen if we all had this kind of faith?
Or are we longing for the country we came from? (vs 15) What would happen if we went back?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cluster Event #9 March 5-6

Greetings Everyone!
I hope your new year is off to a great start. After surviving the Texas Blizzard of '09, we're enjoying 75 degree temperatures here in Abilene today, and while I was thinking about our poor, frigid friends in the Northwest, I thought I would send along a little reminder and the final cluster event notebook for you to have.

We will be meeting March 5-6, 2010 at a variety of locations still to be determined, but in very close proximity to the PUMP Church of Christ in Portland. They are taking seriously the call to rely on the hospitality of strangers by partnering with their local community to provide spaces for us to meet and eat in. Details about those exact plans will follow later. We will also send along a more detailed schedule when the final plans have been made. Stay tuned.

Attached you will find the notebook pages for Cluster Event #9. Hard to believe we're already at this point in the journey. This will be our last chance to gather as an entire cluster, and we look forward to being with you all again.

So, stay tuned for more details, but mark your calendars down for March 5 & 6, and prepare to join us in Portland for fellowship, sharing, reflection and learning.

Greg KB

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Smell of a Missional Church

By John Mueller Nowell

Over the years as I have talked to clergy and lay leaders in existing congregations, I have often made the following observation: When congregations have been in existence for 20 years or more they tend to reach a plateau of perceived self-sufficiency, and their primary ministry focus tends to turn inward (on the needs of members) rather than outward (on the needs of the community members around them). When that begins to happen, the congregation’s hospitality is extended primarily to people who show up on Sunday morning and look, sound and smell like them. Now this is not necessarily a conscious decision, but it is a reality. Sure the congregation may continue to support “missions” by sending a portion of their money away to allow someone else to do ministry on their behalf (and that is a good thing), but they no longer understand themselves to be the ones sent by God to do God’s work in God’s world across the street.

Congregations involved in intentional missional ministry empower their members to explore what it means to be those sent by God in Christ’s name. Those congregations begin to realize rather quickly that ministry today is indeed a cross-cultural missionary enterprise.

Congregations that understand that God is sending them into the communities around them do indeed begin to take on the look, and sound, and smell of those to whom they are sent.

This reality was wonderfully reinforced in a story that a minister friend, Jackie Qualls, recently told me. The context of the story is built within the Southside Church of Christ in Mineral Wells, Texas, a congregation involved in the Partnership for Missional Church (PMC) process…a congregation that is working hard to understand what it means for them to be missional where they are located and live into that vision. Here is Jackie’s story in his words:

On Wednesday nights our building has begun to smell different. This new smell was not a pleasant one at first. God's "preferred future" for our congregation was to reach out into our own backyard to the people in our community that no one else wanted. One of the ways this call is being answered is in a Wednesday night tutoring ministry in which around 40 students from kindergarten to high school are bused to our building and are met by their own personal tutor/mentor that range in age from high school teens to 77. Most of the children that come to be tutored/mentored live in households that are below the poverty level. They are dirty, full of energy, and are not "church broke."

Helen (not her real name) is in third grade and never misses Wednesday night tutoring. Helen's family does not have running water at home and because of this she is always dirty. To make things even worse for this sweet little girl, she also wets her pants several times a day. There is a very unique smell to her and most of the kids that come. Every Wednesday she runs off the bus and into the building because she can't wait to get started. She is very affectionate and gives everyone a big hug. At first, the smell was overwhelming in a negative way but now it's different. We are not only accustomed to the unique smell, but we welcome it. This smell has become for us the smell of Jesus, "for whatever you did for one of the least of these . . . you have done it for me." God is showing us that He uses broken things. He chooses the foolish things of the world to shame the wise.

On Wednesday nights our building smells different and when we smell that smell it brings a smile to our faces because we know Jesus is near.

“The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone, the Lord has done this and it is marvelous in our eyes." (Ps 118:22-23)

WOW! Makes me wonder: What would happen if all congregations would allow God’s Spirit to use them to reach out to the children around them who are not “church broke”? What would happen if more congregations could associate the smell of poverty with the smell of Jesus? What would happen if I allowed myself to be sent into situations where a dirty, sweet third-grader named Helen would want to give me a hug because she knows I love her and I am a person she can trust to love her too? Would I let her? Would I hug her back?

John Mueller Nowell is director of client services at Church Innovations.

Experimenting on the Journey of Spiritual Discernment

The Second Year in the Partnership for Missional Church
By Jannie Swart

This article is a continuation of the newsletter series on the Partnership for Missional Church (PMC) and gives a brief overview of the second year of PMC.
The first year of PMC focuses on the growing sense of awareness in the local congregation that cultural change is necessary. Through deep listening, the local congregation discovers partners on its journey of spiritual discernment. The second year takes the listening and discovering into a phase of experimenting. The focus shifts from the imaginations and actions of the early adopters and innovators in the congregation to those thoughtful, progressive leaders who can get things done and who are willing to take risks and experiment.

Beyond Grand Plans to Experimenting
The natural tendency for congregations is to move very quickly into a mold of strategic planning for the future. So many times we want to start addressing the challenges and fixing the problems by borrowing from visioning models and long-range planning tools. However, in CI’s more than 17 years of experience working with congregations, we’ve discovered that they often “hit the wall” in this approach, because it does not consider some important dynamics in congregations’ cultural change. In the second year of PMC, we deliberately focus on these dynamics and the polarities that come with them.

The Polarity between Early Victories and Long-Term Change
The second year in PMC focuses on cultivating an environment in local congregations where it is possible to manage the important dynamic between those who can achieve immediate success and change in the congregation and those who understand the long-term, deep, cultural engagement needed. It helps congregations to empower both the sprinters to achieve early victories and the long-distance runners who can endure the challenges of long-term change. Congregations need both the sprinters and the long-distance runners on the journey of spiritual discernment if they want to move beyond merely becoming armchair critics of their cultural environment to achieving effective change for the sake of God’s mission in that environment.
To accomplish this, we introduce Missional Engagement Teams (METs) and Plunging Groups into this second phase of PMC. Through the discernment and action of both the METs and Plunging Groups, as well as the interaction between the learnings from both, local congregations start to engage themselves with those people in their environment to whom God is sending them and experiment with one or two particular aspects within their system for the sake of that engagement. The ultimate goal is to form new Christian community with those to whom God is sending the congregations and to bring about the cultural change necessary within the congregations’ system to develop and sustain this new, emerging community.

The Polarity between Technical and Adaptive Change
In achieving the above, congregations need both technical and adaptive change. There will always be the kinds of challenges on this journey that simply need change of a technical nature that entails the solving of an easily identified “problem” by using existing competencies in congregations. However, the more difficult part is to address the kind of change that is of an adaptive nature and which requires a deep engagement with the entire system of the congregations. This is the kind of change for which congregations do not have readily available answers or fixes and ask for an experimenting approach as the way of discerning how to deal with these challenges. The METs are intended for these kinds of experiments, but are doing it in such a way that any failure will not threaten the whole system of the congregations. During this period, congregations learn how to take risks and that it is fine to sometimes fail while experimenting.
The second year brings a willingness to move beyond the fear of failing to trusting God’s promises to the church, and therefore to be prepared to try something new for the sake of God’s mission in the world. Failing to risk is a guaranteed failure; trusting God’s promises of mercy and future for the congregation is the way of discernment in and through risk and failure.

Monday, August 17, 2009


As the summer winds down, we need to turn our thoughts toward beginning again. It never seems there is enough time to finish or even get started with the things we feel we need to do. I know my summer has raced by and it is hard to imagine that I really am back at work.... already. The kids aren't there but I still need to work to get ready for them. Maybe it's just me, but I often have to remind myself that the pressure of time I feel, or the lack of time, is really a tool that Satan uses to keep me flustered. If only I could.... If I just had more.... They seem like harmless statements but underneath them lies a snare waiting to make us feel inadequate for not getting done what we should have had done last week. If I continue to stress, feel rushed, etc... then I am not as effective as maybe I could be. On the other hand, we do need to move forward with deliberateness and intelligence. We need to plot a course and not allow ourselves to become distracted with the crows in our life. (Thanks to Tom for that imagery. It has stuck with me and been very relevant.) The reality is that there are always going to be crows. We need to only stop when our spirits need to reflect with The Spirit about our journey. So, get on yer boots, pull on your work gloves, and of course remember to hold your mouth right (at least that's what dad says). "We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed and broken. We are perplexed, but we don't give up and quit. We are hunted down, but God never abandons us. We get knocked down, but we get up again and keep going." (NLT)
Thanks for listening to my ramblings. The Lord is our Victor!

Article of Interest

Here is a good article I found on "What is a Missional Church?" It may help add more talking points, points of consideration. Enjoy.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

PMC-Northwest Cluster Event #8

WHEN: November 13-14, 2009
WHERE: Vancouver Church of Christ (Map)
WHO: Elders, Ministry Staff, Steering Teams

LODGING: There are several hotels within a short drive from the church building. Also, Bonnie Miller (bonniemiller@vanchurch.org, 360-696-0548) will be coordinating housing for out-of-town folks with Vancouver members. She says they typically have several families willing to serve as hosts, so contact her early with your housing requests.

Monday, July 6, 2009

POCOC – PMC Meeting Notes, 29 July 2009

POCOC – PMC Meeting Notes (my feeble attempt anyway) :)
29 June 2009

Governance Board (Elders) – Dale & Lori Sanders, Ray and Connie Switzer
Steering Team – James and Connie Greer, Becky Byrd and Mike Chavez
Missional Engagement Team – Lisa Bratcher, Brandon Karn & Rachel Greer, Greg Perkins, and Laura Gerard.

1. Prayer
2. Some open discussion around the make up of the Steering Team in light of John & Maria’s and Connie & Rhico’s situations. We all agreed that Becky would take on the role of Steering Team Leader. Additional discussion on “Where are we now”, what are where were we when we stalled? Time to Reorient!
3. Most likely, Ray, Melvin, Laura and James will attend the next cluster event on July 10 and 11.
4. Time Line discussion. All agreed that we are not on the time line scheduled in the PMC guideline.
5. Action Items:
a. Steering Team will re-visit and/or re-establish the communications plan.
b. Steering Team will reconsider the successor process.
c. (Mike) Talk to John regarding the MET team plan for plunging/plungers and ask Lisa to brief on the process (options/strengths, etc. Feeling ignorant about the MET Team.)
d. Elders will take on the task of educating members one-on-one about the Partnership for Missional Church.
6. Next meeting is on 6 July 2009 at 6:30 pm in the Switzer home.

PMC Cluster Meeting July 10 and 11 2009

Hi all,
Just a few more days until we gather in Bellingham, WA for the Phase 3 Kick-Off in the Partnership for Missional Church. In the very unlikely event that this email is the first you've heard of this gathering, let me remind you that we'll be at the Sterling Drive Church of Christ (558 Sterling Dr., Bellingham, WA) on July 10-11.

And in case you didn't get the notebook reminder yet- Bring Your Notebooks! Someone on your Steering Team should have copies of these ready to go, so please bring these with you as we'll likely be making extensive use of them during our time together.

Additionally, please remember to bring $5 to help cover the costs of the Friday night BBQ.

Thirdly- please remember to invite your Steering Team members, your ministry staff, your elders *AND* your MET Team members. As Chairman Mark says, "the success of the cluster is not just what (you) learn, but what others learn from (you). Everyone's experience matters."

We're looking forward to being with you all soon, especially those of us who have dealt with several 103-degree days so far this summer!

Greg KB

Greg Kendall-Ball